You can be a talented basketball player, but if you make the game harder for your teammates and coaches, they won’t like playing with you. We see this all the time at every level of the game. Players think they have all the moves and struggle to make the right plays when needed. This leads to frustration and fractures in the team. In our blog about competency, we mentioned ways to grow your basketball IQ. You'll definitely want to read it if you haven't read it.
Basic decision: When do I drive? When do I shoot? When should I pass? All players should be honest about their skill and ability to do all three things. This is the biggest determinant of when to do either of these things. Am I open? Is there a lane for me to drive, and does someone have a better shot than I do? Think about these things.
More advanced decisions: What play should we run? Who should we run it for?
Where should we get the ball? What can we learn from the other team that will help us? This is about knowing your personnel.
These are only a few decisions that need to be made. The higher the level, the faster each of these decisions must be processed and executed.
