Focus on the things that are going to make the greatest impact in whatever you are doing. A lot of time, basketball media outlets show the superstars and how many points they score or the flashy dunks or plays. While this shows the player's greatness, it
doesn’t always impact winning. If you’re the player/person making big plays that impact the game significantly, keep making plays. Dion Sanders recently said, “Even though the light ain’t on, you keep making plays.”
It’s hard sometimes to be doing all the work and not being recognized for your impact. What I know about impact is that it can’t be kept quiet for too long.
Eventually, what you do will be discovered and sought out by the right people, coach, college, or program. What am I telling you? Doing you and being you may look or sound different than how others might do it or say it, but your impact is felt by those it is intended for. As Kyrie Irving said in an interview, "Greatness is meant for everybody."
How can we make a bigger impact on the game?
Great energy. Be an energy giver on a daily basis.
Know how to pick others up around.
Do what others won’t do that you know you can be
good at.
Try these three things and watch what will happen to you! Remember, keep making plays!
