Many players often want what they can’t have while others will themselves to get what they want. As a coach, I ask players all the time how badly they want it. The response tends to be, "I want it." This is a typical human response when they're in front of their peer group or when they feel their desire is being tested. Either way, they have to decide to bring the two together to reach their goals.
"The spirit is willing but the flesh weak," the apostle Paul wrote to the church as a reminder that the battle is not always a physical one. Every day, every person has to make decisions that move them toward their goals. The mind has to become the primary focus of want vs will. If you want something, how much are you willing to do or give up to get it? As a kid, I saw my mother set her alarm clock for 4:30 am every morning so that she could get to work on time and earn money to pay the mortgage. Not once did I ever hear a complaint about lack of sleep or her being tired. Watching her do this during my high school years. It made me want to change our situation badly!
Is wanting something enough? After the thought enters your mind, it’s your decision on what to do with it. Not making a choice is a decision. Your level of conviction, coupled with your belief in your ability to accomplish, matters. If you believe that you can do something, you will move to do it. Your conviction will bother you until you get up to do it. If you ignore the conviction based on fear, you won’t do it. I think it’s important to realize that the first time we do anything we might feel a bit of anxiety because of the unknown. However, once you begin to put yourself out there, you’ll see yourself moving closer and closer to what you want.
Will power: what level of self-determination do you have to get what you want? This can be measured daily by the amount of input and output you put into your goals. You and others know and see what you do every day. When your wheels get moving, you will no doubt see the momentum shift in your favor, although it’s hard work you know it’s what’s best for you.
I remember watching the documentary about CT Fletcher. He was a three-time World Bench Press and Curl champion. He would go through whatever extremes he deemed necessary to become champion. The best part of the documentary to me was seeing him fight for his life and to open his gym. To things, he wanted very badly and willed himself to get and have.
How do we bring are Want and Will together:
1. First you’ve got to know what and why you Want what you want.
2. You have to become intentional about making your want happen.
3. You have a ready and willing mind to do and endure what’s necessary to get it done.
I’d love to hear about the things you want and how you’re willing to do what it takes to accomplish your dreams! Please share.
No excuses, only results
Deonte Tatum
